Fort Collins Trolley

In the city park in Ft. Collins is a neat little operation. In the early 1900's the Colorado & Southern Railroad started a small electric street car system in the town of Fort Collins. Like most street car systems it was abandoned in the mid 1950's. A group of forward thinking individuals endevoured to rebuild the Ft. Collins street car system. Today for $1 for adults and $.50 for kids you can ride on car 21 on approximatley 2 miles of the system. Car 21 is an origional Ft. Collins car as is the newly re-acquired car 25. As we boarded the car the first thing I noticed was how the wood work and everything else in the car looked like it was brand new! The car leaves City Park and heads east for about a mile and a half on a median strip in the middle of the road. The car reverses at the end of track and heads back to the park. The car barn is west of the switch that leads to the park. An interesting feature on the line can be found about 50 yards from the car barn. The car line crosses a creek on an I beam bridge of a type I have never seen before. The rail rides across the creek on the top of a pair of I beams with no deck! NEAT!
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