Steam on the Arcade and Attica

Once a year on our anniversary my wife and I get to leave the kids with grandma and take a well earned overnight vacation by ourselves! Last
year we had a great time in Niagara Falls but this year money was a bit tighter so my wife tried to find something closer to home. We spent Saturday night in a cabin at the "Tumble Hill Campground" in Chohocton, N.Y.. The next morning after an awesome breakfast of sausage and blueberry pancakes made by her dad we stopped by the B&H's engine house in town to check on the Alcos. There were still 5 big 6 axle monsters there. Numbers 3670, 3664 & 3674 are all M 636's and 3660 & 77 are C-636's. B&H numbers 4&5 were there too. I would have stayed and shot some more pics but we were running late for the second half our getaway!

We headed west to Arcade to catch the first train of the day, we arrived just 10 minutes before depature time! We got our reserved tickets and boarded the second to last car in the train. In a couple of minutes, with two longs a short and a long from #18 we were on our way. More on the trip on my next post!
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