Sunday, June 29, 2008

Falls Road remnants in Rochester

Last week I took a drive down Mt. Read Blvd. towards Lyell and decided to check out the New York Central's old "Falls Road" line. Just west of Mt Read next to the city operations center The B&O crossed over the N.Y.C on a plate girder bridge. I was surprised at how well maintained the line still looked after sitting dormant for near 20 years! The passing track is still there and the switch is complete, incuding the ground throw. I would had loved to get a shot of a B&O train on the bridge as a NYC train passed underneath!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I think summer is here!

A couple weeks ago we were heading home from taking my elderly aunt shopping and while passing the yard I spotted something interesting on the main at 369! I was kinda in a hurry to get home but the bathroom would have to wait! I headed to the back of the parking lot behind the Village Gate mall to the site of the old Trail Van terminal. I don't get to see CP Rail around here much so it was a neat contrast to the more common CSX paint. This week I hope to get some photos of the ex Family Lines Geep that's working Rochester Yard. It's in CSX paint but you can see the old markings fading through. Even the old numbers are visible beneath the numbers it's wearing now!