Monday, August 27, 2007

CSX in Charlotte

This morning we caught a pair of CSX Geeps sitting at the old New York Central station in Charlotte. Charlotte, pronouced Shar-lot, is an area of the city of Rochester at the point where the Genesee river empties into Lake Ontario. These units are likely going to be working at RG&E's Russell Station generating plant about another mile west of here.

The station has an interesting past as it was an early "intermodal" station. Passengers would detrain here and could board steam boats on the river for day cruises on the lake or a longer trip across the lake to Canada. The station looks great in her new roof and siding as opposed to years ago when her future didn't look all to secure.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Local to Russell

This morning the baby and I went to Goodman st. to see what was up. Not much was happening, one unit was switching the yard and two units were tied to some hoppers on 4 main. The baby got cranky after about a half hour so it was time to take her home and put her down for a nap. As she was waking up this afternoon I heard a train horn not to far from our home in Greece, so we went out to investigate! We checked the "Runner" from Barnard Crossing north til we got to Ling Rd. just outside the gates of Russell Station. As we crossed the tracks we spotted the headlights of the same 2 uniits we had seen earrlier in the yard. It's hard to believe we are so close to the city yet this area looks so rural! Check out the track in the last photo, it reminds me a little of the condition of the Hojak Line thru Sea Breeze and Charlotte when PC ran the show! This is no surprise as this is the last section of the old Hojak in use west of the river until you hit Lockport. I'm glad I got my shots now, rumor has it that Russell will be switching to natural gas power in the future...

The power has to shove the cars across Ling Rd. tail first , which has got to be a pain in the butt. After one of the crew members has traffic stopped the train can reverse into the plant. After making their last drop of the day the power runs light back up to the holding tracks at Greenleaf Rd. There are 2 Geeps and a Jeep in our last shot today as it's time to go home change the baby and make dinner!