2-28-07 Switcher Returns to Rochester !!!
After I dropped the baby off at daycare today I stopped at McDonald's and got my coffee and took a swing by the yard on my way home. I noticed a flag pole with Old Glory flying high in the Atlantic ave. end of the yard. Is that a new pole? Then I headed down Atlantic under the bridge and right onto Anderson. As I came across the Main st. bridge I got a great surprise, there was a
switcher working the yard!!! Finally a break from the GP style carbodied units. CSX, MP 15 T, number 1217 was busy sorting cars. I watched them for about 20 minutes til they went on a coffee break then I came home to shovel the driveway. I have a special place in my heart for the lowly switcher as my first cab-ride was in the cab of PC SW 1500 number 9565, pictured here at Atlantic ave. Ain't she pretty!